


in a state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged period, caused especially by severe injury or illness

The word 'comatose' comes from the Greek word 'kōma', meaning deep sleep. It is commonly used in medical contexts to describe a person who is in a deep state of unconsciousness.

Listen to me, I sound like a fuckin freight train goin up a hill!” But Nick's first concern had been for Billy Warner, who lay comatose on his bunk.

King, Stephen

The Stand

In the hours that had passed, the fits of sleep, or the comatose condition that passed for it, had grown more frequent, so that the pauses when conversation was possible were shortened.

Bram Stoker


6 The second time he returned to himself, he entered a body so deeply asleep that he thought for a moment it had entered a comatose state... a state of such lowered bodily function that in moments he would feel his own consciousness start down a long slide into darkness.

Stephen King

The Drawing of the Three (The Dark Tower, Book 2)